What is Danmark VOIP? Danmark is a company that is dedicated to working with customers in developing business strategies and concepts for VOIP communication. With Danmark VOIP you receive expertise in TV-Spot response, e-commerce support, customer service, front/back office support and even booking services.
Danmark has more than 600 employees and services customers throughout Europe. Every month the call centers for Danmark VOIP receive 250,000 incoming calls and make more than 15,000 outgoing calls. Additionally customers are offered support in 12 different European languages while serving more than 11 millions subscribers.
Danmark has been working hard to create VOIP solutions for customers by offering several different entry points into the call centers. Their data network also needed upgrading for better speed and capacity. By making these changes, Danmark VOIP was able to reach fruition and save customers money.
Interestingly enough, since 1994, Danmark VOIP has used special software called IMS, which is a platform for service management and billing. This service has created the ability to offer a unified business solution. The perfect blend of top customer service and customized services is what has helped the Danmark VOIP service to meet every business need. With the IMS platform, services are scalable, perfect for the growing company.
The greatest aspect of the IMS platform is that services and bundled offerings can be tailored for a specific market niche or group of users. This platform lets providers manage their business in a cost effective manner. The Danmark VOIP has made waves all around Europe since businesses can now connect to customers all over the world and manage their billing all together.
In other words, in addition to the Danmark VOIP services, the IMS solution makes this a unique multi-service platform that provides businesses with an integrated functional module for service management.
Tele Danmark had made tremendous strides in upgrading IP traffic. In fact, ADSL trials were performed in 1999 with one vendor. The results were outstanding, leading to more vendors trying the VOIP service and IMS platform. By the year 2000, Danmark VOIP services literally exploded. Businesses are enjoying the ability to conduct business all over the world and not pay a fortune. Although Danmark is headquartered in Europe, businesses all over can take advantage of the VOIP service offered.
If you would like to search for VOIP services click here VOIP services.