Many companies searching for ways to cut costs have turned to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephony as a way to reduce their telephone infrastructure and long distance charges. VoIP offers tremendous advantages in these areas, especially for companies with branch offices around the world all logged on to a shared IP network. VoIP quickly reduces the cost of calls between these offices to zero, which allows employees to talk more and coordinate marketing, sales, and other business strategies.
Because VoIP telephones use only a broadband Ethernet connection, companies also save on having to maintain an infrastructure heavy private telephone exchange (PBX). However, many companies also want to reduce their infrastructure costs further, and increase productivity, by implementing wireless networking to their office environments. This begs the question: can VoIP work over a wireless IP network?
The answer is a resounding yes, and one of the leading wireless standards for carrying VoIP traffic is GPRS (General Packet Radio Service). GPRS VoIP networking is able to handle a much higher volume of calls, while still maintaining an excellent quality of service (QoS) for each call. This is because GPRS networking can run at speeds of up to 115 kilobits per seconds, a much higher bandwidth than another current industry standard known as GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), which operates at around 9.6 kilobits per second. Because GPRS VoIP operates at higher transmission rates, a GPRS VoIP network can send and receive a much larger volume of calls than a GSM VoIP could.
GPRS VoIP is not only higher capacity than other wireless VoIP networks. It is also more versatile. GPRS VoIP can be used outside the office IP network to save money on mobile phone costs. Additionally, GPRS VoIP is highly mobile, allowing users to use their VoIP telephones even when they are between wireless hot spots. This has tremendous advantages for companies whose employees travel a great deal, because it means that the employee is "out of touch" with the office for much less time each day, without having to pay extra costs for cellular or satellite phone minutes.
VoIP telephony is cutting costs for businesses all over the world, and is changing the way the world communicates. For companies who want to take advantage of these cost savings and still keep their employees mobile, GPRS VoIP is an option worth considering. A GPRS VoIP network is highly mobile, but also has enough bandwidth to handle a high volume of VoIP calls, data transmission, and teleconferencing.