It's Simple to Connect With Patton Electronics

Patton Electronics has been a leader in the telecommunications industry since 1984. Business professionals can depend on Patton to deliver excellent customer and technical support. Patton provides a variety of products including micro-sized widgets and carrier-grade Telecom gear. They are also well known for voice, data, and multimedia technologies. Patton operates training and support centers to provide excellent customer service to consumers. Customers can also depend on Patton to provide customer manufacturing, software development, and database solutions.
VoIP Gateways
A VoIP gateway is a device that sends and receives voice communication through internet protocols. Many businesses prefer this form of communication to improve efficiency and performance. An IP network is required when businesses set up a voice IP gateway. Companies will also need a public switched telephone network or a plain old telephone service when they set up VoIP gateways. Patton Electronics provides a variety of VoIP gateway products for customers in need of excellent communication solutions.
• The SmartNode 4110 FXS/FXO Media Gateway is an analog system that has won several awards for its exceptional performance. This product is compact, reliable, and comes with multiple port options. Businesses enjoy the ability send and receive multiple voice and fax calls at the same time. Virtual interfacing and routing tables makes it easier for companies to manage call handling programming.
• The SmartNode 4120 BRI VoIP Gateway is a digital gateway that has grown in popularity with business professionals around the world. This system provides single and dual ports to provide customers with several options to meet their individual needs. This system allows customers to send and receive up to four SIP or T.30 calls at the same time. This product has a unified communication system that provides interoperability. Customers enjoy comprehensive signaling and protocol support when they purchase this product. Patton also provides customers with a free redirection service for providers and distributors.
• The SmartNode 10100 SS7 Gateway supports 128 to 256 calls, which is ideal for large companies in the telecommunication industry. This system uses a public switched telephone network and an IP network to regulate voice traffic. Businesses can reduce the cost of interconnecting with other companies. Businesses can also reduce their cost when they build network footprints. A great advantage of this product is the high density system it provides customers. This product is also energy efficient, which can save customers a great deal of money.
Wireless Routers
Wireless routers have increased in popularity in recent years. Wireless routers receive information from the phone line and convert that information into radio signals. A network card picks up the radio signals and transports it back into the internet. Business owners need wireless routers when they have multiple devices to connect to the internet at the same time. Patton Electronics offers a variety of wireless router products to help improve business productivity and efficiency.
• The BD004rS wireless router is a bonding multi-modem that comes with a variety of special features to accommodate the individual needs of businesses. These mobile routers are small and light weight, which makes it easy for people to set up and maintain. This product allows customers to prioritize links, which helps businesses save money. This product is also vehicle mountable, which makes it ideal for business professionals that do a great deal of traveling.
• The BD007rS wireless router is a fixed router provides on-demand performance that comes with several convenient features. This bonding modem is small and rack-mountable, which makes is easy to install. The load balancing and failover technology is ideal for companies looking to improve their efficiency and productivity. One great advantage of this product is bandwidth allowance control, which makes it easier for customers to maintain traffic. This product also allows customers to automatically switch to the best available link.
• The BD1000rS wireless router is a head end/enterprise router that provides bonding, load balancing, and failover technology. Customers have seven different profiles to choose from to meet their individual needs. This product has internal universal power and is also rack mountable. Customers enjoy advanced security that prevents unauthorized personnel from gaining access to the system. This product also provides high availability, which decreases internet downtime.
Ethernet Extenders
Ethernet extenders transport high speed data communication between LAN or LAN devices in a safe and effective manner. This technical product can save companies a great deal of money and increase productivity. Ethernet extenders can be used for point to point or point to multipoint runs. Ethernet protectors are commonly used in residential, commercial, and industrial industries. Patton Electronics offers several Ethernet extender products to help businesses manage their communication in an effective way.
• The CopperLink 1314 model is a cost effective Ethernet extender that offers a high speed extension up to 5.7 Mbps. This long range product has a 2-wire connection that makes it easy for businesses to set up and maintain. The built in port Ethernet switch allows customers to connect up to 4 ports. This noise tolerant product also has multi-rate selection to meet the individual needs of businesses.
• The CopperLink 1214 model is a high speed Ethernet adapter that provides short range capability. This product is one of the fastest Ethernet adapters on the market today. This model can achieve downstream line rates up to 168 Mbps. The plug and play features is convenient for customers because it requires no configuration. This product can also support multiple line rates.