I am not happy with my iTalkBB service and will cancel as soon as I can.
I was happy at first. Things went smoothly. I could contact my relatives in China cheaply. I was just hunky dory.
One of the items packaged with my service was TV. My TV service is NOT WORKING. It was working, but it has not been working for weeks. I have audio but no video. Pretty sure I didn't subscribe to iTalkBB radio.
So I contacted customer service. Very quick. Within two or three minutes I was talking to a person. I'll give them a point for this. Good hustle over there.
Now, the problems. I am fluent in Chinese, but prefer English. When I requested an English tech, I was informed they had ZERO English techs. Okay, that's fine, I speak Chinese. Except three times now, I've gotten people who ended up being a bit snarky with me, likely because the tech assumed that because I requested an English tech my Chinese was poor. Not the case and I am offended by their unprofessional attitude. But I can live with this as long as my problem is fixed so I don't need to speak to them anymore. Well, my TV is not fixed. Almost everytime I've been given the run around ( Unplug and replug your TV's power? What? ). I've been given noncommital responses like, "your case is extremely rare" and "nobody else is having this problem," have been outright told its somebody else's fault ( my ISP ) or otherwise turned away. They have no Tier 2 tech support like say Verizon or AT&T who can offer more advanced assistance, just people reading scripts telling me to unplug and replug my modem or something. Half the time, they promised to call me the next day, probably just to get me to hang up. I've never received a return call.
Keep in mind all this time I am having Internet connectivity issues even though I've never had them before even though I've been with Verizon for about four years now.
My TV is a lost cause, but that wasn't the final straw. The final straw was last week when I tried to get a burglar alarm installed.
The alarm company told me my iTalkBB service was interfering with the alarm communications. Okay, I call iTalkBB tech support, they tell me my service IS NOT MEANT TO WORK WITH ALARMS?! WHAT?! The alarm representative told me that was a bunch of hogwash so I called tech support again. A different person told me they were investigating the issue and would contact me NEXT WEEK MAYBE?! WHAT?! First, why did I get different responses and second, if they can't remember to call me within 24 hours, how are they going to remember to call me in a week, maybe?
That is the final straw. I am cancelling. So frustrated.