Cox Communications is a Internet Service Provider, a Cable Television provider, and a VoIP service/phone service provider in various states around the United States.
Cox operates in the following states:
- Arkansas
- Arizona
- Southern California
- Connecticut
- Florida
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Kansas
- Louisiana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Rhode Island
- Virginia
Cox offers digital telephone service: it's basically a crossover between VoIP and POTS (plain-old telephone service). That's nice, especially if you're worried about making emergency calls (Cox powers the phone line for you) when the power is out.
What's not nice about Cox is the cost. $24.95 for unlimited calling is okay - not good, but okay. $90 for internet, cable tv, and phone service isn't bad either. But Cox will lock you in for a two-year contract, while the $90 bundle will only last for the first year.
With phone service, it's worse. Unlimited calling jumps from $24.95 to $39.95 - and you don't get the bells and whistles that might come with a business VoIP service provider.